This is the collection of preprints and work-in progress that I am working on at the moment.
- Towards an Anatomy of Software Craftsmanship
- Accepted 2021-05-27 for publication by ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- Preliminary author copy (DOI: 10.1145/3468504): TowardsAnAnatomyOfSoftwareCraftsmanship-authorCopy.pdf
- Dear Lone Cowboy Programmer – your days are numbered!
- Submitted 2021-07-22 to Communications of the ACM
- Dear_Lone_Cowboy_Programmer_CACM.pdf
- Status: Submitted
- Towards Understanding Software Craftsmanship
- Licentiate Thesis
- Defense 2021-10-07 at 9:00 CEST in J1650 @ BTH
- Status: Submitted
- Licentiate Thesis